User Experience Design

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10 Weeks

100% Online

Red & Yellow Certificate

HRDC Refundable

Price: Rs 35,000

8-10 hours / week

About User Experience Design Course

User experience design is the process of enhancing the pleasure a person feels when interacting with a product or service – specifically online. This custom developed 10-week course will help you understand why it’s important, the basic principles of UX, and the different roles it plays. It will give you the tools,
tactics and techniques to build a user-friendly website interface, structure content in a way that makes sense to your users, and understand how users think and behave to inform your design.

Individual Price Rs 35,000

HRDC Refundable

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Course Structure of the User Experience Design

Duration: 10 Weeks

• Explain what UX means, and identify good and bad examples of it in the real world and online
• Justify why UX is important to any business and project
• Grasp the fundamental principles of good UX design
• Explain where UX fits into the lifecycle of a project – in other words, when it should be planned and implemented
• Define and distinguish the various roles that form part of the UX industry

• Explain with confidence some of the key concepts and terms in user research
• Research the business you’re working with to analyse what UX considerations are most applicable
• Understand how to research and interpret data
• Know how to define the target audience and tailor the experience for their specific needs
• Take into account technology factors when developing your UX strategy
• Synthesise and transform your raw data into actionable material

• Understand how people find things on websites
• Develop an information architecture for a website
• Analyse content and design a content strategy
• Build a sitemap that factors in navigation, search and functionality

• Devise a style guide
• Understand the relationship between visual design and usability
• Identify the components of web development, and how they factor into the process

• Develop a website interface that factors in UX, conventions and interaction design
• Create a wireframe and prototyping tools
• Build forms that best deliver on the desired outcome
• Write content that answers both search engine optimisation and user needs

• Explain the importance of global trends happening in mobile today
• Design user experiences that meet the needs of mobile audiences
• Have a firm grasp of the essential principles when designing for mobile
• Create applications that work seamlessly and effectively on mobile device

• Justify the importance of user-testing for every project
• Understand and manage the people involved in user-testing properly
• Conduct a clearly structured and useful user test
• Choose the right methodologies for your user-testing needs
• Summarise, communicate and implement the results of your user-testing

Weeks 8 & 9 are for the research project where you’ll delve into wireframing and protyping a digital application with the best UX principles in mind.

What makes this course unique?

  • Understand why designing with the user in mind is so critical
  • Craft user-friendly websites that delight, rather than frustrate
  • Integrate UX into everything you do online and create digital experiences that make customers react positively to your brand
  • Design interactions that will lead to higher affinity and conversions
  • Understand aspects of human-computer interaction. And how functionality needs to adapt across devices and channels to ensure optimaluser satisfaction

User Experience Design

Who should take this course?

Study User Experience Design

Enhancing user experience across digital channels results in improved commercial outcomes