Exam Stress

Exam season is around the corner, that being the case, having stress or anxiety is evident. However, it is important to note that high levels of stress can lead to burnout. You are stressed simply because you want to memorise everything, you want to score high grades, you are experiencing parental pressure, or worst, you have jumped into revision too late! And those incessant worries “What if I forget everything? What if I don’t understand the question? What if I am unable to score the subminimum?” Consequently, all these can lead to mental exhaustion and it does not have to be overwhelming. Practically, no matter how prepared we are for our exams, all these thoughts are completely normal. Here is what you need to know to beat exam stress. Read on the following tips, which may help you enter your exam room feeling less anxious and more confident.


Speak to your lecturers on difficult chapters to seek clarity

It is always wise to discuss chapters or topics that are ambiguous to you, even at the last minute. One to one teaching is usually beneficial compared to a class packed with students; your lecturers can give you a comprehensive understanding of what was previously not clear to you.

Use past exam papers

It is evident that the questions will not be the same, but, practising past exam papers can help you in visualising your actual exam paper. As you begin, give yourself time to read and understand the question and plan how much time you can allocate to each. It is recommended to practice within the required overall exam duration.

Take regular breaks between your revision

Intense revision will eventually drain out your capacity to assimilate information from your different modules, causing more stress to you. Hence, taking regular breaks of 10 to 15 minutes from your revision is essential as this would allow your brain to relax and be able to capture and process the vital pieces of information.

The Keyword tactic

Trying to remember the whole module is futile, it will make you become more stressed! Revising is an active process which should involve engaging with your study guides, thus keywords are an effective tactic for revision.  Jot down keywords from the bulky chapters and paragraphs, try to remember them and everything else will follow.

Study Smartly

Use online studying platforms like StudyBlue and GoConqr, revision can be interesting, unlike the usual paperbacks. These apps allow you to upload class study materials, create electronic flashcards to study and share with others, and practice quizzes. Digital study materials can be created, modified and shared instantly, reducing your effort and stress of making paper-based notes.

Take your study outdoor

You do not want to confine yourself in your study room, at a desk! Your revision experience can be enhanced by changing the usual study experience. You might want to make some revision notes with a cup of tea in an open space, for instance in your garden or in a coffee shop.

Have a digital detox

Digital detox alludes to a period when one voluntarily refrains from using digital devices such as smartphones and social media platforms.  Thus, it is ideal during the exam period.  It may sound clichéd, but the time spent scrolling through your news feed could be invested more efficiently into organising your revision plan as well as allow you to have better focus in your studies.

Beat Exam Stress

Exams are an inescapable part of any student’s life. It is important to follow the revision strategies that work best for you. This exam season, you can be fully prepared and beat exams stress by following the given tips. Best of luck!