In today’s digital era, a digital marketing career is one of the most sought-after career paths. Upskilling or reskilling in this domain can help you develop your career rapidly. In this article, we’ll talk about what is digital marketing, the different jobs available in this industry, the skills required to become a digital marketer, and finally, what you can do to level up in the marketing world. Let’s get started! 

What is Digital Marketing?

Nowadays, marketing no longer entails simply putting up a billboard and doing promotions. Marketing methods have evolved alongside customers to give birth to digital marketing. Also called online marketing, it refers to all marketing efforts that occur on the internet – where customers spend most of their time. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers. This also includes communication through text or multimedia messages. With such a vast field, let’s talk about some common digital marketing jobs that might be for you. 

Common Digital Marketing Jobs

Why Digital Marketing is a Good Career to Have

Yes, the job title “digital marketer” exists, but the beauty of digital marketing is that after you’ve mastered the fundamentals, you can branch out into a variety of jobs. Depending on their passions and skill set, most digital marketers develop into specialty categories. Here are some examples of digital marketing job titles you can land: 

  • Content Strategist
  • Marketing Research Analyst
  • Content Marketing Manager
  • SEO Specialist
  • Social Media Manager
  • Digital Marketing Manager
  • Community Manager

They all require the same basic digital marketing skills. Once you’ve mastered those, you can focus on whatever area most interests you. 

Benefits of Studying Digital Marketing

Why Digital Marketing is a Good Career to Have

There are so many advantages and uses of learning and using digital marketing tools and skills in business and as well as in career. Here are the top 5 advantages you’ll get if you choose Digital Marketing as your career path.

1. Digital Marketer on High- Demand

Every company is investing into digital channels rather than traditional marketing, and the trend is growing. As a result, sectors are preparing to hire more digital marketers to build their online brand presence. 

2. High- Paying Jobs

Digital marketers might specialise in certain channels such as social media, email marketing, or content marketing, for example. As you may be aware, demand for digital experts is increasing, yet supply is limited, meaning scarcity and hence higher-paying jobs. 

3. Fast-Growing Industry

Digital marketing is projected to become one of the fastest-growing fields in the marketing industry overall. Acquiring in-demand skills can assure eager digital marketing professionals a secure job future.  

4. Diverse Career Paths

The career path in the Digital marketing field is diverse and as a novice, you can choose from a plethora of possibilities. You also can work for a variety of companies in many sectors. 

5. Entrepreneurship Opportunities

If you want to become your own boss, then learning digital marketing is the best option that you can select. By learning digital marketing skills, you can start your own digital agency or do promotions for your business successfully. 

Skills Required to become a Digital Marketer

How would you differentiate yourself as a Digital Marketer in a world where so many companies are using digital marketing techniques and hiring digital marketing professionals? Let’s have a look at the five skills needed to become a Digital Marketing expert

  • Advertising Expertise

Advertising is at the heart of digital marketing. Most people call themselves digital marketers simply by understanding how to boost a post. However, advertising is a complex topic with many facets. And everyone interested in working in this field should study everything they can.

  • Sales Skills

It isn’t only about collecting leads; a skilled digital marketer should also be capable of selling. Considering that it is all about results, employers will want to see how well you can sell their brand before hiring you.

  • Accurate Thinking

Usually, marketers are considered passionate workers in their workplace. However, this enthusiasm can obscure the evaluation and measurement of marketing strategies and theories. You must learn to detach yourself from your task to concentrate on what is most important at the time. 

  • Analytical and Creative Abilities

Analytical and innovative thinking are also required in digital marketing. While some people may choose to concentrate on one component, it is critical to focus on both. Because digital marketing is all about statistics, everything from campaigns to strategies should be well-thought out.

  • Data Analysis

While they don’t typically need to be able to work with data analytics at the same level as, say, a Data Scientist, Digital Marketers do need to know how to use Google Analytics and other analysis tools. The detailed information about where your traffic comes from is perhaps the Digital Marketer’s most valuable source of audience insight. 


Recently Jason Bholanauth, Founder of Inbound Mauritius & Senior Digital Marketer at a Big 4 company, in partnership with Honoris Educational Network did a webinar on the topic “Building a Career in Digital”.