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Author: Melvin (Honoris)

Honoris Educational Network > Articles by: Melvin (Honoris)

Earning your Degree without Leaving Home: The Advantages of Online Learning

Getting a degree if you are already working (or simply have a busy schedule) is not as hard as it used to be. With the rise of online learning via telecommunications and technology, the time, distance, and financial constraints of…

21st century skills

Honoris United Universities Launches 21st Century Skills Certificate To Skill Up Graduates For The Future World Of Work

Blending the most in-demand soft and digital skills, the 21st Century Skills Certificate will be issued through blockchain technology. Honoris United Universities, the first and largest pan-African network of private higher education institutions, today announced the launch of the Honoris…

L’éducation ne s’arrête pas là

La pandémie a eu un impact considérable sur le marché du travail à travers le monde. Les plans de carrière ont été temporairement suspendus pendant que beaucoup cherchent de nouvelles voies et opportunités. La façon dont nous travaillons évolue à…

Study Business: Differences between Qualifications

Why study Business Management? The 21st-century education inclines to respond to the economical, technological, and societal shifts that are happening at an ever-increasing pace. Today, we have the accessibility to study business, depending on our personal goals, career goals, and…

business management done by a woman leaning on a table

Study Business Management: Why Should You Do It?

What is Business Management?   Business management is one of the popular choices of study not just globally, but in Mauritius as well, with an array of specialist pathways. Often, we hear about it being overrated, but if we look…

A day in the life of Akshada Bholah, MANCOSA MBA Alumna

Who is Akshada?Akshada is not in the typical white collar roles! Having graduated with Cum Laude for MANCOSA’s Master of Business Administration, Akshada has been able to steer her engineering career with a great sense of business acumen. Engineering has…

The Rise of Online Learning for Academic Continuity: What Our Students Have to Say

The pandemic continues to disrupt all the spheres and higher education seems to be adopting online teaching on a long term. A year ago, we were declared in a state of sanitary crisis, where every activity had to be moved…

women in the workplace

Female Representation in the Workplace and Society

Introduction Beyond the short- and medium-term objectives to achieve a more equitable representation between men and women in power and leadership, thinking about women's governance should always bring us back to the original goals of women's movements, that is gender…

accounting and finance

The Battle between Accounting and Finance

The difference between finance and accounting might just be a matter of curiosity for some of us, but if you are about to choose a programme or career path, understanding the difference between the two is vital.   In the battle…